Monday, November 21, 2011
New Management
Monday, October 31, 2011
So Sorry
After a load of scrap is taken off, the garden club will be able to buy some plastic to cover the hoop houses that have been built for the fall/spring garden. Then it will just be a matter of some clean up for the winter and preparing for a garden that we plan on being at least 3x as prosperous next year. But, please, come on up and help harvest the fall greens that are coming up now; most is just going to waste from lack of harvest or the deer are getting to it before we can. Again, we apologize for the lack of posts and hope to be more vigilant in the future. Keep on growin' y'all...........
P.S. NEW PAGE ALERT: The Eco-Nati Radio Show page is up and running. Why? Because we are taking this gardening project to the airwaves starting in November!
P.P.S. The Local NKY / Cincinnati Page is also in the process of being updated so check it out as well!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
The Fall Dispatch
For the next letter in TOPICS:
Hey Boone Lake! The Boone Gardens Crew would like to extend a warm thanks to all those who helped make the spring and summer gardens such a succes this year. We truly couldn't have gotten by without so many great people pitching in their support, time, and contributions. You may have noticed the recent addition of a picnic table to the grounds. Consider the table an open invitation for anyone who wishes to come sit a spell and have a friendly chat!
Even though the summer season is at an end, that doesn't mean that the work is done. We are now working towards planting a fall harvest garden to be picked from September through November. The lettuce will be ready in about a week. Feel free to come and pick it! Any interested parties who would like to join our efforts in this fall garden are welcome to contact us through our website at We will be planting chard, kale, winter greens, lettuce, carrots, beets, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts and a whole plethora of other stuff, so come by and check it out.
We also have a constant need for organic compost and mulch to build the soil for next year. We have built a few wire-bin composts around the garden so you can dump your vegetable trimmings or yard waste there at any time. Please also remember that while leaves make an excellent mulch and rebuild the soil, we need to keep them separated from other compost operations for the time being, until they are broken down. You can leave bags of leaves by the picnic table at any time. It helps if the leaves are chopped so they break down faster, but if you can't do that, we will! Your leaves and composted materials will be put to good use!
Also being put to good use are your aluminum can contributions. We will never stop collecting cans for the garden, and so far this year we have collected several batches of cans that have helped us buy things like the PVC pipes we will use to protect winter crops, the gas we use to mow the garden, and the seeds that we will plant for next spring. Please dump the cans in the “Al Can” by the garage up front or feel free to leave them by the picnic table up at the garden and we'll see to them ourselves.
Next year, we plan to offer individual plots to those in the BLC community who wish to grow their own vegetables or flowers. We will help you clear a space, we will give you the seeds, and we will help you grow what you want. All you have to do is show up with a willingness to get your hands a little dirty! There will also be a “you-pick-it” garden incorporated into next year's layout. If you would like to have a say in what happens at Boone Gardens, you are welcome to join the informal committee at any time. Just see Ty, Nathan, or Brian for additional details.
Thanks a lot, Boone Lake!
--The Boone Gardens Crew
Friday, July 8, 2011
A Modest Two Days' Harvest
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Garden Cooking
Started with melting my butter, added diced onions until it smells good in the kitchen, then added the squash. Let that brown a bit, while chopping the chard up in bite sized pieces. I added that and let them saute, and added a clove of crushed garlic. After I took it off the heat, I added just a smidge of balsamic vinaigrette to it and tossed it in and added a bit of pepper. Muah. Amazing.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Community Gardening
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
There are not too many seedlings left that need to get into the ground. The goal is to get rid of all of the rest and consolidate the leftover dirt from dead plants in the next few days. Its getting pretty late in the season for planting from early transplants anymore and we have done a descent job overall of getting things into the ground overall. I know next year will be even more productive because we have had plenty of mistakes to learn from this year about seed starting and transplanting. This is not bad thing at all, its all just part a giant learning experience / process that is ever evolving. But, we still have the fall harvest season to look forward too which means it is time to plant more carrots, more lettuce and possibly more basil to bring indoors for the winter. I want to plant even more basil next year for one main reason: pesto.
We had plenty of visitors to the garden today which is always a welcome sight. The more the better, exchanging ideas, picking veggies and enjoying the summer weather! I hope to one day have a shade structure of some sort built up there for everyone to enjoy....along with an apple orchard / walnut trees for shade and more edibles. The place has so much potential it is unreal, I can't wait for the future.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Outdoor planting is going to come to a screeching near halt here in a week or two....possibly three (with exception to planting leafy greens, carrots, fall crops) ... with the amount of frost free days declining more every day (I know it is only almost officially summer but that fall frost will come eventually!). But this does not mean we do not have a big and beautiful harvest to look forward to in the coming months before summer is over. The sunflowers seems to grow more and more every day - some varieties will reach over ten feet before they are though! The lettuce is just waiting to be harvested by anyone who comes up with some scissors and a bowl. There is lettuce in three separate beds all waiting to be eaten by anyone. I have so much lettuce in my own garden that this lettuce will just end up going to compost if not eaten soon!
The weather forecast is great for the next week or so and the agenda has been roughly set as to what needs to be done next. If anyone feels the need to get outdoors we could always use the help - everyone is always welcome and there is always something to do!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
.....and it looks like it is going to rain again finally in about two hours!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Lack of Posts
A main staple crop of this garden has become the potato. We are guesstimating that a total of 300lbs of potatoes will be produced by the end of the season. We plan to store the potatoes by digging out holes in the ground big enough for five gallon buckets to rest in, covering the potatoes with straw, and closing them up for future use. It is fair to say that whether the potato plant is in a tire or in a raised bed, they are doing equally as well as each other. They have exploded with the recent wet weather which has made soil addition a top priority. I have even seen the beginnings of flowers on one plant, which means fresh baby potatoes might only be a month away! I do fear though the first drought of the year may be upon us this week, and water collection will become all the more important for the survival of every plant in the garden.
The sunflowers are starting to all come up and establish themselves throughout the tilled ring around the perimeter of the garden. The sunflowers are separated by squash, watermelons. cucumbers, and pumpkins, which I believe will become a majestic sight to see in the coming months with the rolling vegetation creeping down the hillside. I can only imagine what this will all be like to try and mow around later this summer. It is going to be a wild, delicious mess!
If you have stopped by the garden recently you would have also noticed that the tomato box is finally starting to take off. I was worried there for a bit that we would not get a good crop, but it seems that they are finally becoming established and we will have a wide array of heirlooms to choose from for canning and salsa purposes here in the next month or so. If the tomatoes can grow fast enough, they can also provide some shade for the lettuce that was planted in the box along side of them. There are also plenty of tomato transplants still up there just waiting for a home, if anyone is interested.....feel free to pick some up!
On the agenda for tomorrow is to get the first pepper box up to the garden (an 8x4 = 32 square feet of gardening space), collect and water the plants, scrap some metal and hopefully get some more bagged compost for the potatoes and the boxes.
Please visit this flickr account for 178 semi-recent photos of the garden!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Potato Boxes
A bird house was also made today, an eastern bluebird variety. But, whatever bird gets there first, thats what type of house it will end up being, right? This one birdhouse will be offered at our seedling give-away this Sunday, and if we feel ambitious, maybe a few more will be there as well!
Stay tuned for more rain and wet clothes......
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Rain, rain go away.....
Having a greenhouse during this rainy season has been an indispensable asset that has been used to its near full potential. We have been transplanting plants like crazy in there, from seedling flats that were started in February and early March. From the funds we received at the bake sale we were able to acquire more ingredients for Mel's Mix soil, along with plastic solo cups (the cheapest but admittedly unsustainable way to transplant) , and are now finished with the first phase of the transplanting process. The greenhouse is packed to the brim with healthy tomatoes, peppers, sunflowers, herbs, squash, cucumbers, etc., etc. Inside our greenhouse has become its own micro ecosystem thanks to the mulch that we have been carting in from a shredded wood chip pile around the hill. The bottom layer of the greenhouse is lined with plastic, and on top of that, a layer mulch. With as wet as it has been this month the mulch around the workstations where it has been walked on and wet, has turned to brown/black gold. Just by walking and water, we have produced piles and piles of free soil. Once we realized how sloppy it was getting in there, we raked all the new soil out of the greenhouse and used it in new boxes and rescued tires for even more growing space. You wold not believe how many worms were hanging out in our mulch when we raked! So, what next? Cart in more of this free soil making mulch of course! The greenhouse now has an even higher elevated mulch floor and we are planning to surround entire perimeter with the same.
We got the rest of the scrap wood de-nailed and ready for more box making. The potatoes are now all in the ground and are in four 4x4 boxes in the front row of the garden, and in about 10 tires behind the greenhouse. The potatoes are all planted 1 per square in the boxes ( = 48 seeds) and 4 per tire ( ~ 40 seeds), so there should be a descent amount of potatoes for harvest. I have read that you can plant potatoes as late as June 15 and then harvest them as late as possible. Theoretically, this gives us a month and a half to keep planting potatoes, fund permitting. A good item to have by harvest time would be a vegetable weigh machine, to keep track of the actual pounds of food produced, particularly potatoes, and make adjustments for subsequent years.
Next up will be - planting the corn field, building more boxes for summer crops and transplants, transplanting, having our seedling giveaway on May 8th, and using up the rain that has filled up every barrel at the farm.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Bake Sale!
Next up on the agenda will be our seedling give away on May 8th - same concept as the bake sale - take what you want and give what you feel. Thanks again to the whole community!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
This rain has, however, done wonders for our garden. The potatoes have just about all sprouted (minus the second week succession crop), and look as if they could handle any amount of rain that falls from the sky. I think I will thank the Mel's mix for that, along with all of the other well-drained soil we have created and put to use in the garden. I am very proud of their progress and all we need to do now is cut up the remaining seed potatoes, and find homes for them within the next week.
We have a carrot box that is coming in full force, probably 60+ altogether, which is an improvement over last year when we maybe had ten carrots total survive. Those things are so tiny at first - the seeds and the seedlings; which makes for an intricate planting and thinning process.
Tomorrow we are holding our first fund raising event - a bake sale! There will be muffins, cookies, brownies, Oreo balls and whatever else we end up getting donated. It is on Easter, and we should get some good traffic coming in and out of the property. The forecast calls for rain, but we will be out there none the less, raising funds to keep this project moving forward! Ciao!
Friday, April 22, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The revolution IS growing!
This sign could not have come at a better time. Thanks, Debbie! It really is the first piece of what I hope will be many works of art featured in our community space. We are very fortunate to have the people around us that we do. From the people who work on the garden (soon to be IN the garden?) to the people who donate their old materials and equipment to help us along to the people donating their collected metal scraps and aluminum cans to our fund-raising efforts, we all should be very thankful! More to come very soon!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
There are now three 4x4 potato boxes with 12 seeds in each, as well as six or seven salvaged tires each with 4 seed in each. Two of the 4x4 boxes are filled with a blue variety of potato and I can't wait to have some blue french fries! There are even more potatoes yet to be cut laying on our back burner for succession waves.
Our female volunteer who came yesterday was of great help, planting away and getting her hands just as dirty as all of ours in the process. I hope to see her again down there soon! Ty has been working his tail off as usual, building a new shelving unit inside the greenhouse which cleared some much needed space and added more organization to the whole process. We have enough pallets laying around that I can only imagine that he may have already made a second shelving unit as I am writing this post. We purchased more vermiculite, peat, and compost over the weekend to keep shoveling in that mel's mix into our raised beds. Along with the potatoes, we planted marigolds, basil, jolly jesters, more lettuce, snap peas, market carrots (short bulb type), all by seed; Transplanting took place inside a very hot greenhouse, from seedlings that were planted back in February - a somewhat tedious process but at the same time, sort of meditative and relaxing. Your back will end up hurting a bit from the whole deal, but you are handling life, and continuing its life process to the next stage. You are only one part of it, a big part, but most of it is really up to the plants themselves. We don't grow the plants, we just assist them.
I could not tell where that weekend started and where it ended, but I know for certain it was completely productive in every way. Pics coming soon!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The first ever plant that ended up inside the greenhouse was a healthy looking cabbage plant, and we all wish him well. Along with the cabbage we also planted some oregano clones in pots (6), some onions we started from seed (12), a few chard, and seven total cabbage plants all under the protection of plastic.
Now, in my area of the world, I have heard that it is okay to plant potatoes on St. Patrick's day, March 17. Since I did not find this out until a few days ago, I cut up and prepared 6 lbs of potatoes that were ready to be planted yesterday. This first wave of potato planting included yukon gold and red norland varieties, 3 lbs of each. I was surprised to find how many eye seeds this actually came out to be and we had to use quite a bit of soil and space to get them all planted. Fortunately for us, we had a $30 donation, free wood, and free tires at our disposal, and out of this we made a small potato farm. Four tires were positioned behind the greenhouse, where it will still get plenty of sun, and underneath the tires we laid a layer of garden cloth to prevent attacks from below. Next we put a layer of organic compost, then 4 potato seeds positioned as such to maximize space, then filled it to the tire rim with organic topsoil. I like to use Mel's Mix or ProMix when I grow potatoes, but the $30 only went so far in soil attainment, thus requiring more amendments in the future. Once the tires were full with soil, we added a layer of mulch. Once the potatoes sprout out of this layer, a new tire will be added on top and more soil as necessary.
I want to be clear on one thing before I get into more details, this garden should be able to sustain itself strictly through donations and by the revenue it can potentially incur. The goal should be self-sustainability, and, if we are good gardeners and liaisons to the community, I believe this is 100% possible. It has already proven effective in that we have purchased no wood, have had monetary donations, and we can scrap tires and aluminum for use in our operation. Mulch and compost should be free forever, since there is a shredded wood pile back a bit further on the property.
Now, back to the potatoes; The rest of the potato seeds were planted in a 4x4 square foot garden bed in front of the greenhouse. I believe the bed is 4-6 inches deep but another gardener we have on the project has already built two more 4x4 frames that can be stacked on top of this one as the potatoes outgrow the first box. Even after four tires and a 4x4 frame, there were still about 16 potato seeds left. So, as night fell, we took these seeds back to our own house on the lake for planting. We have a few large bio growing bags that we had used for potatoes last year and we decided to use them for these potatoes this year. We washed the bags in the lake as best we could, and started with Mel's Mix in the bottoms of the bags. We planted four seeds in each of these bags and set them out on the dock.
In a nutshell, that was the day's events, and now it is back out there for more. The sun is shining and it looks to be a beautiful day.