We in the garden club would like to apologize for the extreme lack of posts here on the blog. It is not that we are lazy, far from it, just regular life has thrown some curves and things needed to be done outside of the garden project. But, through it all, the garden has been producing and going through its natural life cycle. The sunflowers have all been broken down and are composting, and the tomatoes will be ripped out of the ground today and hung up in a shed for ripening. If you need any more tomatoes, please come stop by Brian's house anytime and there will be some available for at least the next week. There is plenty of lettuce that is taking off near the front of the garden - if you take some scissors and a kroger bag up there just give the leaf lettuce a haircut and it will grow back twice as big for your salad next week. There is also kale, carrots, and chard coming up - all super-foods that will increase your wellness and vitality.
After a load of scrap is taken off, the garden club will be able to buy some plastic to cover the hoop houses that have been built for the fall/spring garden. Then it will just be a matter of some clean up for the winter and preparing for a garden that we plan on being at least 3x as prosperous next year. But, please, come on up and help harvest the fall greens that are coming up now; most is just going to waste from lack of harvest or the deer are getting to it before we can. Again, we apologize for the lack of posts and hope to be more vigilant in the future. Keep on growin' y'all...........
P.S. NEW PAGE ALERT: The Eco-Nati Radio Show page is up and running. Why? Because we are taking this gardening project to the airwaves starting in November!
P.P.S. The Local NKY / Cincinnati Page is also in the process of being updated so check it out as well!
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