Sunday, April 10, 2011


It was another busy and productive weekend on the farm with some great weather to boot!  It seems that the more we do out there, the more plans and ideas we come up with to put into action in the future.  I think it will be never ending and I am cool with that.  Every time we are out there working, the ideas just keep spewing out, coming naturally to all of us in an ebin flow sort of way.  We had a few visitors over the weekend and a donation as well!  With a $5 donation from and old timer who had retired from farming, we found a $4 pitchfork at the local flea market, score!  He also mentioned that he was "proud of what you boys are doing", which was a great compliment coming from a 'real' farmer. 

There are now three 4x4 potato boxes with 12 seeds in each, as well as six or seven salvaged tires each with 4 seed in each.  Two of the 4x4 boxes are filled with a blue variety of potato and I can't wait to have some blue french fries!  There are even more potatoes yet to be cut laying on our back burner for succession waves. 

Our female volunteer who came yesterday was of great help, planting away and getting her hands just as dirty as all of ours in the process.  I hope to see her again down there soon!  Ty has been working his tail off as usual, building a new shelving unit inside the greenhouse which cleared some much needed space and added more organization to the whole process.  We have enough pallets laying around that I can only imagine that he may have already made a second shelving unit as I am writing this post.  We purchased more vermiculite, peat, and compost over the weekend to keep shoveling in that mel's mix into our raised beds.  Along with the potatoes, we planted marigolds, basil, jolly jesters, more lettuce, snap peas, market carrots (short bulb type), all by seed;  Transplanting took place inside a very hot greenhouse, from seedlings that were planted back in February - a somewhat tedious process but at the same time, sort of meditative and relaxing.  Your back will end up hurting a bit from the whole deal, but you are handling life, and continuing its life process to the next stage.  You are only one part of it, a big part, but most of it is really up to the plants themselves.  We don't grow the plants, we just assist them.

I could not tell where that weekend started and where it ended, but I know for certain it was completely productive in every way.  Pics coming soon!

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