Monday, January 9, 2012

Musings on the New Year

Greetings everyone! Even though it's only ten days into January and we've yet to have a hard snow, who can help but turn with a hopeful eye toward Spring with this unseasonable warm weather we've been having? I say take advantage of those extra rays of sun while we can!

I know at the start of every year, there's a lot of talk of resolutions. One of my resolutions is to stop treating the blogs I co-author like neglected stepchildren. This post, I say, is a small step in the right direction.

There hasn't been much going on up at the garden lately except continuing compost. Oh! I almost forgot! With the help of my dad, I planted a tree for the Boondocks Redhatters Society in memory of Ruby Goterwis, a resident of Boone Lake who passed away. The tree is a Sunset Red Maple, about twelve feet tall, and will ultimately reach 35' in height and span an area 35' in diameter. It is my sincere hope to lobby the community to put a bench out under that tree once it begins to spread out. One thing I hope to do this year is to put the "community" aspect back in the garden. I think the whole area is a social reclamation project waiting to happen.

Furthermore, I was elected President of Boone Lake Club this year by our board! Hopefully this will make it easier to get increased participation during the growing season.

Stay tuned for more blog posts! I've got a great one right around the corner for making seed starting containers that you can set outside and forget about!
